Reservation System

Processing Reservation Requests;Behandelen van Reserveringsaanvragen

Reservation requests are handled easily and efficiently through our Innkeeper Service. At a glance, you can see the availability of your B&B and you can answer requests directly. Make sure to keep your availability status up to date so you don’t miss out on any reservations and can take full advantage of your listing.

Respond Directly to Requests

Customers who make a reservation enquiry expect an immediate answer as to whether their booking is possible or not. If you wait too long to answer, it leaves a bad impression and they might look elsewhere for accommodation. B&Bs that are prompt and thorough in their response and who make good use of the reservation system are generally rewarded with good reviews and a higher position in the search results.

Handling Reservation Requests

Never miss an enquiry and get the most out of your listing by reacting quickly to reservation requests. Once a visitor has filled out an application form, you will receive an email from us with the subject line ‘Reservation request Mrs Jansen, 26-10-2019–28-10-2019’. You can then respond directly through the Innkeeper Service.

Respond Directly to Mails

  • Click on the pink button in the mail  ‘Reply’
  • You will enter theInnkeeper Service (log in if you haven’t already)
  • You will see the information page for the reservation request with the reservation details and your availability calendar.
  • Respond directly to the request by clicking on ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’

  • Choose the correct status for the reservation request. In most cases this is the status ‘Option’, combined with the email template ‘Availability after reservation request’. Have you been in touch with the guest already and do you know for sure that the reservation is confirmed? Then choose the status ‘Reservation’ and send the guest a Confirmation.
  • Send a message to the guest responding to their enquiry (you can use an email template to help you)
  • Click on the pink button to ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ and your answer will be sent immediately to the guest.

You should respond to all reservation requests, even if you are fully booked during the requested period. With the template ‘Availability after reservation request’, you can easily ask your guest if they want to confirm the reservation. After your guest confirms the reservation, you can send the template ‘Confirmation’. The reservation has then been confirmed by both parties.

Changing the Status of a Reservation Request

The reservation is only final once you and the guest have both confirmed. It is important that you change the status to ‘Reservation’. The status can be changed at any time, as follows:

  • Go to ‘My Reservations’ in the menu and choose ‘Inbox’.
  • Click on the relevant reservation request
  • Click on the button ‘Change Status’
  • Tick the correct status e.g. ‘Reservation’ (don’t forget to save your changes!)

Check the reservation has been added to your calendar by clicking on the button ‘View Calendar’

Using the Email Templates Effectively

When responding to reservation requests you may like to use an email template to help you. These are standard emails, so you can quickly reply to requests. It is possible to add your logo or change the template as you wish. You can review all your email correspondence on the information page of the relevant reservation request in theInnkeeper Service.

Adding Reservations Manually

Reservations that are not made through the system can easily be added manually into the calendar. By adding all external reservations to your calendar you can keep it up to date. Think about reservations that come in by telephone, from your own website or other platforms. There are two ways to add reservations manually.

Adding a Reservation using the Innkeeper Service

  • Enter your inbox in the ‘Innkeeper Service”
  • Click on the pink button ‘Add Reservation’
  • Fill in the form with the reservation and guest details and click on save.

  Adding a Reservation Manually to the Calendar

  • Go to ‘Calendar’
  • Click on the date of the reservation
  • You will see an overview with any options or reservations on this date.
  • Click on ‘Add Reservation’
  • Fill in the reservation and guest details and click on ‘save’


If you add a reservation manually, make sure to fill in the email address of the guest so that they will receive an automatic request to complete a review after their stay. By processing guest’s data in the system you will receive reviews faster and that can result in a higher position in the search results.


If you have any further questions on the reservation request process then don’t hesitate to contact us.

Further Reading:

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About the author

Mark Verhoeven

IT manager at B.V. till March 2022.

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