Innkeeper Service

Free Reservations Tool on your own Website

There’s no need to buy an expensive reservations system when you add our free reservations tool to your website. It’s easy to use, your B&B is easier to find online and there’s no need to update your calendar manually. Think of all the time you’ll save!

Advantages of the free Reservation module

  • More reservations requests
  • Easier to find your B&B online
  • Saves time: calendar is automatically updated and linked to your calendar
  • More reviews and better reviews
  • Higher position in the search engines (Google, Bing)

More reservation requests

The free reservation module is suitable for every PC, tablet or mobile and is available in 6 languages. Guests can see immediately if you have rooms available. By keeping the calendar up to date, you can achieve a better position in the search engines. You’re easier to find and you might get more reservation requests as a result. Those reservation requests are free, you don’t pay any commissions.

Easy to use

The free reservation module is linked to the reservations system of and/o Therefore, reservations made through your own website can also be managed in your innkeeper service and there is no need to manually update your calendar. Saving so much valuable time!

More reviews

By using the free reservation module, bookings made on your own website directly go through to our reservation system. This means that guests will receive an automatic request to write a review the day after their stay. Using the module results in more reviews, which have a positive influence on the search results.

Using the reservation module on your own website

Guests that are interested in visiting your Bed and Breakfast will complete 3 steps to make a free reservation request.

1. Choose your dates

2. Select room(s) and number of guests

The photo that is shown is the main photo that you selected from your uploaded photos for each room. (my listing > photos)

3. Fill in details

Once all details are complete, guests can click on the ‘send’ button.

  • You will receive a request by email from the reservations system from or, and you can then reply directly.

Installing the Reservations Tool

You can easily add the reservations tool to your website by following the step-by-step instructions below:

  • Go to the Innkeeper Service
  • Go to the ‘My Reservations’ menu and select ‘reservation tool’
  • Choose your language
  • Choose a colour
  • Choose the background
  • Install

Choose a Language

Choose the language from the page on which you want to place the calendar. For multi-language websites, you can place a calendar on each page in the correct language.

 Choose a Colour and Background

Select a colour and background that suits the style of your website. Choose a transparent background if the background colour of your website is white.


Check your settings in the preview. If you are satisfied, copy the HTML-code onto your own website.

Install the Reservation Module

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About the author

Rianne van de Pas

Marketing medewerker bij B.V. tot december 2019.


  • We have already our own reservation module on our web page which is connected to our channel manager “hotel Runner” Is it possible to connect your system to our channel manager?

    • Hi Tuba Gencer,

      Yes, it is possible to connect the calendar with your channel manager HotelRunner.

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