On the B&B Expo in Brussels last weekend the workshop ‘Starting a Bed & Breakfast’ took place. In an hour, Hanny Hoedemaker, founder of Bedandbreakfast.eu, pointed out the most important guide lines and marketing tips for B&B owners to be.
Go to the municipality
The most important tip Hanny sent the audience home with was: when you are considering starting a bed & breakfast, go and talk to your municipality first! If your municipality doesn’t allow a bed & breakfast, there is no use in continuing your plans. In general, municipalities are service-aimed and they think along with entrepreneurs. If there is no policy for B&B’s yet, than you can ask the municipality to create such a policy.
Promotional material
Hanny also stressed to the audience to take care of good basic materials when promoting your B&B: professional photos of your bed & breakfast, a consistent house style and qualitatively high standard print work. On this basis, as a B&B owner you can build further. The investment this requires will be earned back soon.
Social interaction
A third tip from Hanny: learn from the feedback guests give you in reviews on Bedandbreakfast.eu. They help you to improve your bed & breakfast and to identify your strong points. Those strong points can then be used in your promotion. It is also smart to create a profile for your bed & breakfast on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. It is the perfect way to stay in contact with your customers in an informal way.
Starting a bed and breakfast: newsletter
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