
Which risks do you run with your bed & breakfast?

Which risks do you run with your bed & breakfast?

B&B owners often are not aware of the risks they run with their bed and breakfast. With a clear insight you can take specific actions to prevent damage. Think of an inspection of your appliances, a check of the water pipes and a roof check. But also: consciously handling theft risks, a proper key system, and clear information provision to your guests with regard to your terms and conditions.

Damage B&B owners often encounter are:

  • Water damage to the building and household effects
    Important causes for water damage are heavy rainfall and leaking pipes caused by unprofessional reconstructions.
  • Theft
    Theft of properties of the B&B owner is a frequently occurring damage. But also theft of items belonging to the guest. And the thief often doesn’t leave a trail.
  • Overburdening of technical installations or the meter box
    Overburdening is often caused by modifications that have been performed unprofessionally, for example after starting or expanding the B&B.
  • The B&B owner is held liable for damage by the guest
    A guest often does not know which terms and conditions apply to the B&B. Because of this, in the event of damage, the guest usually holds the owner liable.

Often B&B innkeepers have closed in insurance which compensates the damage, but how about the loss of profit because a guest room can no longer be rented? What about wear and tear, and what to do when a guest refuses to compensate damage?

bed and breakfast risk

Important causes for water damage are heavy rainfall and leaking pipes.

Risk analysis prevents damage
A lot of damage can be prevented by becoming aware of the risks in running your bed and breakfast beforehand. A risk analysis helps you gain that awareness. Hereby you ask yourself questions such as: which risks do I run with my B&B? Which precautions can I take? Which risks do I want to carry myself, and which do I want to insure against?

Risk analysis of your bed and breakfast
Thus clearly chart which risks you run with your bed & breakfast. Perhaps ask your insurance advisor for help. Think of which risks you do and which you do not like to insure against. Draw up clear terms and conditions, make sure guests are aware of those terms and conditions, and take care of a proper key system. And finally: be well-advised on precautions you can take to prevent damage. That way you won’t be faced with unpleasant surprises too often.

About the author

Janneke Scheepers

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