The reservation system with availability information on shows visitors which bed and breakfasts are available at a certain date. If you maintain the calendar well, your B&B will end up higher in the list of search results. In this message, we will explain how you can maintain the calendar.
When there’s a new reservation request, we send you an email. To immediately respond through the owner service, in the email, click the pink button ‘Respond immediately’.
You will now see a clear overview with the reservation information and your availability calendar.
When, in the overview, you point out that your B&B is available, the system will automatically prepare an email for you with an answer to your guest. All you need to do, is to check the data (you can also personalize the email) and click ‘Send’.
Every time you send an email to a guest, you will immediately get the opportunity to change the status of the reservation request into: ‘Option’, ‘Booking’ or ‘Cancelled’.
Note: Don’t leave the status of a new reservation request to ‘untreated’ for longer than 24 hours, because this has a negative effect on your position in the search results of!
Changing the status of a reservation request
Has a reservation been confirmed by both you and the guest? Then you have to change the status of the request into ‘Booking’. Go to the owner service of and follow these four steps:
- Step 1: in the menu, go to ‘My Reservations’ and click ‘Reservation Requests’.
- Step 2: click on the reservation request in question.
- Step 3: a new screen with the reservation info will now open. At the bottom of the screen click ‘Adjust’.
- Step 4: In the upper part of your screen, check the status ‘Booking’. Subsequently, click ‘Save’.
Reservation in the availability calendar
Next, in the screen with the reservation info, click ‘View calendar’. OR: go to ‘My Reservations’ and click ‘Availability Calendar’ to open the calendar.
As you can see, a date in the calendar is marked. This is the new reservation. When you click on the marked date you can view and/or adjust the reservation you just added.
Adding telephone reservations
Reservations that are made outside the system of, for example by telephone, can easily be added to the calendar:
- Step 1: Click on a date in the availability calendar. OR: Go to ‘My reservations’ and click ‘Reservation requests’.
- Step 2: Click the button ‘Add Booking’.
- Step 3: Fill out the information of the reservation and click ‘Add’.
The reservation is now added to your availability calendar. Your guest will automatically receive an invitation to write a review.
Orderly email correspondence
The email correspondence with a guest can quickly be retrieved. Go to the overview of reservation requests and click on the little envelop behind the reservation request concerned.
You will immediately see the last sent email, followed by all previously sent emails. Click ‘Respond’ to answer the last sent email.
At the top of the response field you can always choose from various email templates. There is a suitable email template for every email you send to a guest. Saves you time!
Availability calendar on your own website
Would you like to make it even easier on yourself? Then use the reservation system on your own website. You can completely adjust the system to the style and colours of your own website. Guests that make a reservation through your website will then also be placed in the reservation system and they will automatically receive an invitation to write a review.
We are happy to help
More information about the reservation system can be found in our list of frequently asked questions. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help!