B&B Suriname

    108 Bed and Breakfasts in Suriname
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    Bed and Breakfast Suriname

    Suriname is warm country filled with rushing rivers and ethnic diversity. Visit nature reserves to admire the stunning wildlife or hike alongside the elaborate rivers, something many believe to be one of the most beautiful things to do here. You could even visit a rainforest village to see how daily life goes about there. Bed and Breakfast Suriname offers B&B’s all over the country to make your holiday comfortable and complete!

    Paramaribo and around

    In Suriname’s capital, Paramaribo, you’ll still find many traces from the Dutch colonial times. The city offers everyone a genuine and warm welcome, making it a lovely destination to visit. The capital also has a very vibrant day- and nightlife with its many impressive shopping venues, delicious restaurants and bars where you’ll always find a party. However, a small road or boat trip away lies the untameable jungle, making the location of the capital a very special one.

    Highlights in Suriname

    Most of the country’s highlights can be found in Paramaribo; the Central Market, Saint Peter & Paul Cathedral-Basilica, the Maroon Museum and Fort Zeelandia. All of these places are definitely worth a visit when you’re exploring the city. Just nearby Paramaribo you’ll find the Upper Suriname River, a stunning scene of nature that shouldn’t be missing on your to-do list.

    Central Suriname Nature Reserve and the Raleighvallen

    This enormous nature reserve covers 12% of all land Suriname has. The in 1998-established reserve covers 16000 square kilometres and contains many exclusive plants and animals. On the upper side of the Coppename River, you’ll find the Raleighvallen; stunning staircase shaped waterfalls. Explore the beautiful nature and exciting wildlife or climb up to a 360-degree viewpoint on top of the Voltzberg. You can access this area by plane or car and it will make your holiday even more special.

    Book a B&B on Bed and Breakfast Suriname

    You’ll find an extensive overview of all available accommodations on Bed and Breakfast Suriname. Pick your favourite and start day-dreaming about your visit to this stunning country. You can easily book, without reservation costs.